Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Are You Potentially Human?

In my last but one post ‘Vegetable, Animal and Human People’ I wondered aloud how one could tell which of these one is.

Since then, I think I may have found a way for finding out if I'm potentially fully human!

The psychologist Oliver Burkeman mentioned some important research in his newspaper column last week. As part of this research, people were asked to choose between the two following options.
a)      A smaller rise in income, leaving them wealthier than those around them;
b)      A larger rise in income, with others receiving even more.

If answer b) to you seems obvious, and furthermore would give you considerable pleasure, even if nobody else ever finds out you’re responsible for their extra wealth, I want to be your friend!

I have previously blogged about the Higher Self in 'The Human Being'. Discussing the Higher Self’s indifference to the ego’s seeming preference, not only to have lots of things, and/or power, but for others to see it has lots of things or power, a friend remarked that within his particular community, masculinity was judged by the car you were driving; i.e. the more expensive it is, the better provider for your family you must be, and therefore the more of a man you are. There are some illogicalities in this – a man’s money might have all gone on the car, rather than on his family for example. However, a flash car seems to be one of the main things by which a man is judged. A ‘merely’ adequate car with efficient fuel use would not cut the mustard.

So, could I suggest that one way of identifying oneself as a vegetable person is by wanting to keep up with the average level of possessions in one’s community, even if that's more than one needs. One way of identifying ourselves as animal people might be that we only feel worthwhile or happy if we have something more in the way of possessions or power or fame than our peers. This not the only way of identifying ourselves as 'animal' though.

In the research to which Burkeman refers it was found that ‘many people’ (he does not say how many) would choose option a) above, rather than b). Frustratingly, he does not say whether the respondents thought their choice would be broadcast. I think I know a few animal people who would choose option b) ‘because it’s the right thing to do’ but would not be particularly happy in that choice.

Burkeman suggests that, to make our lives easier, we ‘comparison-proof’ our lives, for example, be seem to be consciously ‘opting out’. In a way I guess this is what aiming to identify with your Higher Self rather than your ego is all about. And when by meditation, contemplation, prayer and/or practising living a good life, you get to the point where you  would joyfully choose option b) over a) you and everybody around you is in a win-win situation.

OK. So I’ve a little way to go then….


  1. Brilliant blog Helen! I am a meat and two veg man myself - where does that leave me? Trapped in Daath no doubt? Hope you are well? Best wishes. Joe

  2. My brother insists he is a carrot, and another friend wants to be a mineral. Personally, I think she's a diamond! Oh to be 'trapped' in Daath! This actually came up at the last Kabbalah Study Group meeting I attended - the fear of the 'blankness' of Daath - but the 'Daath' of the body is the Yesod of Yezirah of course, if we can just stand the transition.
    Meanwhile, I am very well thank you, apart from a little local difficulty with some leaseback property in France..(NEVER go there!!!) How are you?

    1. I am just trying to keep out of the way and do what comes up in front of me. Most of the time I am enjoying what I am becoming but sometimes when new stuff flows in it is overwhelming and knocks me off my feet for a bit. Recently been guided back to re-visiting the Pyramid Code on Youtube. Been fascinated by Imhotep and St Aloysius most of my life. Must have chosen it for myself on the Soul Jukebox :) Best wishes Joe x

  3. Funny that. One of my son's middle names (but my husband wouldn't put them on the birth certificate) is Aloysius. The other is Mungo. I must look these up!
